December 11, 2018



@maluron​ left a comment on my eyepatch Kain post and said they wanted to see more Team Mustang suffering/soldiers with automail so,,, here you go.

he lost it while deployed in Pendleton, fighting over the border with Creta.

he ran in front of a bullet or three to protect a fellow soldier and had it blown off.  it only goes up to his elbow cause we see a lot of full arm automail already and it’s fine if it’s only half the limb, right? right?? i’m not all bad (except i headcanon that he’s left handed so… bye bye dominant arm)

he shows up to the rendezvous sporting his automail arm and the rest of the team are like ‘what the fuck’ cause he hadn’t told any of them LOL. and ofc when they meet up with Jean later, he’s like ‘…what’. Breda doesn’t have any extras, except for a lighter in his finger, specifically for Jean. he’s into it.

i imagine it would be extra strong/durable and he uses it as a shield a lot of the time, or to punch through shit.


December 4, 2018


And this is further proof that my best husbando Breda is nothing but a genius strategist, @yellowmage

He ain’t the Rook for nothin’!


here you go~


September 9, 2018



For day three of @teammustangweek it’s my favourite; Heymans Breda!

Absolute Husband Unit


August 27, 2018


During the early days of their ‘special’ boys night in


July 31, 2018


Guys. I’m a little bit in love with Breda (and roy and his squad in general)


July 31, 2018


usually I have an accompanying picture with the designs but it grew into a full drawing so I’ll just post is separately lol 

Serial Number BR3-4DA, codename Haymaker. strongest of all the models; able to lift many times his own weight and even possesses the strength to crush boulders. can also break rocks with his jaw. why? just cause. 

aside from his, brute strength, he sports an impressive AI and can calculate the best possible route in battle tactics. undefeated in strategy games like chess. makes all the other bots swoon.


June 27, 2018


Patreon Reward for A Strange One!



June 25, 2018


FMA meme: nine characters { 5/9 }
2nd Lieutenant Heymans Breda
It doesn't really make a difference, we've got to see this thing through.
